The Development of Corporate-Based Beef Cattle Breeding Areas

Hamdi Mayulu, Irsan Tricahyadinata, Agus Soepriyadi


Livestock is an integral part of agriculture that significantly contributes to economic and socioeconomic development. The research determines the potential of East Kalimantan Province as a development area for corporate-based beef cattle breeding. This research used the literature study method and the data obtained was analyzed through a qualitative descriptive method. The research results show that the East Kalimantan Province has the opportunity to become a beef cattle development area based on its natural and human resource potential. The development of corporate-based beef cattle farming areas is a strategic approach to business-oriented and industrial-shaped beef cattle farming, given the increasingly dynamic and complex environment. The concept of a breeder corporation will create new strengths in human resources, capital, and banking to expand the potential for the success and growth of the business. The development of a corporate-based beef cattle breeding area 1) improves the competitiveness and added value of the region and beef cattle commodities to support national sustainable food security; 2) reinforces the livestock business system in one area management holistically; and 3) strengthens breeders institutions in accessing information, technology, public facilities and infrastructure, capital, processing, and marketing to be applied in East Kalimantan Province.


Keywords: development; area; livestock; beef cattle; corporation


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