Analysis of Factors Influencing Urban Agriculture Development: A Case Study on Thai Nguyen Province, Vietnam
Vietnam is a developing country, so the process of urbanization is occurring strongly in large urban areas and peri-urban rural areas. According to the national forecast, the national urbanization rate by 2035 will reach 50-55% (while the rate was 39.3% in 2020). Thai Nguyen is a mountainous province in the Midland and Mountainous Region of Vietnam, located at the Northern Gateway, bordering Hanoi Capital. In recent years, the agricultural land area of Thai Nguyen province has been increasingly narrowed to make way for urban and industrial development. Developing urban agriculture is an inevitable direction, creating food-safe, high-quality products, protecting the ecological environment, and increasing workers’ incomes. The primary and secondary data sources were synthesized and analyzed using statistical models and descriptive and comparative statistical methods on Stata software. The results of quantitative analysis of factors affecting the development of urban agriculture in Thai Nguyen province include seven factors: (1) urban space, (2) investment by the local government, (3) science and technology, (4) natural conditions and infrastructure, (5) policy, (6) trade promotion, and (7) cognitive factors of the participants.
Keywords: Thai Nguyen; urban agriculture; survey; factor analysis; regression
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