Effect of Temperature and Substitution of Jack Bean (Cannavalia Ensiformis) Flour on the Chemical Properties of Seasoned Flour
Jack beans are potential local legumes rich in nutrients yet limited in use. The current form of use is mostly tempeh and tofu production. Another use that seems promising is to make flour. Flour making can increase shelf life and eliminate anti-nutrients and bad smells. This study aims to determine the effect of temperature and substitution level of Jack bean flour on the chemical properties of seasoned flour. The research design was a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of 2 factors: variations in drying temperature (A) of three levels, 60oC, 70oC, and 80oC. The second factor is the variation in the substitution level of added Jack bean flour (B), which consists of three levels: 10%, 15%, and 20%. The research results show that drying temperature influences ash, protein, and reduced and total sugar contents but has no effect on fiber content. A drying temperature of 80°C gave the best result, with an ash content of 4.31%, protein content of 14.75%, fat content of 0.94%, sugar content of 12.02%, reduced sugar content of 1.23%, and crude fiber content of 10.36 %. The substitution of 20% jack bean flour showed the best result (ash content of 4.99%, protein content of 22.17%, fat content of 1.02%, total sugar content of 11.75 %, reduced sugar content of 1.32%, and crude fiber content of 10.23%).
Keywords: jack beans; sword koro; drying temperature; flour substitution; seasoned flour
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