Perceptions of Women from Fishing Families Regarding Tuna Smoking Technology in the Sendang Biru Beach Area, South Malang, Indonesia

Keppi Sukesi, Henny Rosalinda, Yahya, Wahyu Handayani, Jedda Ayu Inggrida, Elok Anggraini


This study aims to evaluate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on women residing in rural areas of South Malang, Indonesia, by emphasizing progress in pandemic preparedness technology. The primary focus of this study is the development and use of contemporary and hygienic fish aquaculture technologies in response to the deteriorating social and economic conditions brought about by pandemic outbreaks. The study’s objectives include identifying the gaps between technological and socioeconomic needs, developing innovative fish construction technology, assessing the public’s response to advances in tuna technology, and creating a model of technological literacy for underprivileged women. This investigation employs a mixed-methods approach and empirical research methodology to examine the joint ventures of female migrant workers within the socio-cultural boundaries of Madura. The first step is to recognize the necessity for more advanced and efficient fish processing technology that can enhance product quality and increase profits. While this technology is anticipated to improve hygiene standards, social concerns remain regarding how work-related dynamics and financial limitations impact small businesses. Positive feedback from the fishing women indicates potential benefits; however, it must be balanced with the possibility of employee turnover and economic hardship.


Keywords: COVID-19; fishing families; migrant workers; resource management




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