Environmental Education Transformation: Sustainable Technology Model in Adiwiyata Program

Agus Lithanta, Harsuko Riniwati, Slamet Wahyudi, Anthon Efani


This study aims to develop a sustainable technology-based Adiwiyata program implementation model to shape the characteristics of environmentally conscious students in Probolinggo City. Using a quantitative approach with the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method, this study analyzed the relationship between school policies, government involvement, technological innovation, student character formation, and the sustainability of Adiwiyata schools. The study population consisted of schools in Probolinggo City involved in the Adiwiyata program, with a sample of 200 respondents, including principals, teachers, and students. The results showed that technological innovation acts as a significant mediating variable between school policies and government involvement in shaping students’ character and the sustainability of Adiwiyata schools. Strong school policies and government involvement through regulations and technical training have been shown to increase the effectiveness of the Adiwiyata program, especially with the support of technology. The technological innovations implemented, such as energy management and communication platforms, have been shown to increase students’ environmental awareness and active participation in environmental activities. These findings have important implications for educational policy and environmental program management in schools. Recommendations include the need for increased government regulatory support for technology integration in schools as well as the development of school policies that prioritize all school members’ active participation in technology-based environmental programs. Further studies are required to explore the long-term impact of technology implementation on environmental education in other schools in Indonesia.


Keywords: Adiwiyata Program, Technological Innovation, Student Character, School Sustainability, Structural Equation Modeling




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