Environmental and Public Health Assessment Model for Achieving Sustainable Development

Sumaryati, Gatot Ciptadi, Wisnu Barlianto, Koderi


This study aimed to develop an effective public health program implementation model to address environmental impacts. Using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis method, this study seeks to understand and integrate various factors that influence public health and sustainable development. SEM was chosen because of its ability to analyze complex relationships between several variables simultaneously, allowing researchers to identify significant pathways of influence and provide a more comprehensive picture. The variables used in this study included industry (X1), Corporate Policy (X2), Public Health (Y1), and Sustainable Development (Y2). The results of this study are expected to significantly contribute to the development of policies and programs that support sustainable development. By understanding the relationship between industrial activities, corporate policies, public health, and sustainable development, policymakers can design targeted and effective interventions. This study makes an important contribution to the field of public health and sustainable development. The findings can be the basis for the development of more holistic and integrated policies that not only focus on economic growth but also on social welfare and environmental preservation. Thus, this assessment model is expected to help achieve more inclusive and sustainable development goals in the future.


Keywords: Environmental, Public Health Assessment, Sustainable Development, Structural Equation Modeling





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