Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery
Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery is an international, scientific peer-reviewed open-access journal published online monthly, free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions.
Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery is a comprehensive academic journal sponsored by the Chinese Association for Science and Technology, the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery and the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Science, Chemical Abstracts, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts and other internationally renowned search institutions.
The journal was founded in 1957 and is publicly distributed at China and abroad. It has a major influence on the global agricultural industry and features exchange or distribution relationships with more than 30 countries and regions.
Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery publishes various engineering technology research results serving agriculture, including agricultural engineering and mechanical engineering related to agricultural engineering.
The journal is focused on publishing papers on agricultural machinery and intelligent agricultural equipment, biological environmental engineering, agricultural information technology, agricultural water and soil engineering, biomass energy, agricultural and sideline products and food science.
To date, the journal has been successively included in authoritative databases, such as "Overview of Key Items of Chinese Core Journals," "Catalogue of Core Journals of Chinese Science and Technology," EI Compendex (Core Edition), Scopus, CA, CSA, CAB Extracts, and CSCD. The journal was listed as one of the “Top 100 Newspapers” by the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television in 2015. In 2020, it was selected as a T1-level journal in the “Hierarchical Catalogue of High-quality Scientific and Technological Journals in the Field of Agriculture and Forestry of the China Association for Science and Technology.” It has been ranked among the “One Hundred Outstanding Chinese Academic Journals” 11 consecutive times and as one of “China's Boutique Scientific and Technological Journals” five consecutive times.
Manuscripts are peer-reviewed, and a first decision is provided to authors approximately 20 days after submission. Acceptance for publication is determined in 10 days (median values for papers published in this journal in the first half of 2021).
Reviewers who provide timely, thorough peer-review reports receive vouchers entitling them to a discount on the APC of their next publication.
Editor-in-chief: Ren Luquan (主编:任露泉 ).
Sponsored by: Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery (CSAM) and Chinese Academy of Agricultural Machinery Sciences (CAAMS).
Address: No.1 Beishatan, Deshengmenwai, Beijing , P.R. China Postd code: 100083.
Posted: 2024-12-17 | |
Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery call for papers for Vol 56, No 1 (2025). |
Submission deadline: December 31, 2024.
Original articles, which provide scientific novelty and effectiveness of their outcomes and perspective implications proven with calculations, are invited for submission. To submit your manuscript, please access the submission form by the following link:
Submitted manuscripts are required not to be published previously anywhere, as well as not to be under consideration for publishing elsewhere. All manuscripts go under scrupulous double-blind peer-reviewing, if they successfully pass initial evaluation. Instructions for authors, as well as other useful information related to submissions, are available on: You can also submit your paper directly by e-mail: Authors are required to pay an article-processing charge, which is 450 EUR. Submitted papers should be properly formatted and demonstrate adequate English level. Authors are encouraged to use English editing or proofreading services before submission or during revisions.
Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery is an international, interdisciplinary, reviewed, open access journal, published monthly online, indexed in many databases. Open Access: free access for readers, with the APC being paid by authors or their institutions. Subject area and category: Agricultural and Biological Sciences, Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous), Mechanical Engineering Quick reviewing: It takes 14-20 days in average to make the first decision after the submission. Quick publishing process: 30 days after acceptance. Download template for manuscript formatting: Unformatted papers will not be reviewed. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via
Sincerely yours, Editorial Office of Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery |
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Research Articles
DUAN Qingling, LIU Yiran, ZHANG Lu, LI Daoliang |
WU Kaihua, SUN Xuechao, ZHANG Jingcheng, CHEN Fengnong |
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LI Qiujie, ZHENG Jiaqiang, ZHOU Hongping, TAO Ran, SHU Yiping |
YANG Fengbo, ZHANG Ling, XUE Xinyu, JIN Yongkui, CHEN Chen, SUN Tao |
QUAN Longzhe, LI Yajun, WANG Qi, FENG Huaiqu, WEI Chunyu |
WU Xiuheng, QIN Jiahao, DU Yuefeng, SONG Zhenghe, CHEN Yu XIE Bin |
FU Weiqiang, DONG Jianjun, MEI Hebo, GAO Na’na, LU Caiyun, ZHANG Junxiong |
HU Jianping, CHANG Hang, YANG Lihong, HAN Lühua, MAO Hanping, ZHANG Siwei |
Lü Jinqing, SUN He, DUI Han, LI Zihui, LI Jicheng, YU Jiayu |
SHI Linrong, YANG Xiaoping, ZHAO Wuyun, SUN Wei, LI Rongbin, SUN Bugong |
LU Fangyuan, MA Xu, QI Long, XING Xupo, LI Hongwei, GUO Linjie |
WANG Yecheng, JIN Yadong, LUO Sibo, SUN Hao, CHEN Haitao |
WANG Jinfeng, GAO Guanbao, WENG Wuxiong, WANG Jinwu, YAN Dongwei, CHEN Bowen |