Agricultural Land Fragmentation and Using Rights Market Development: The Case of Bac Giang Province, Viet Nam

Nguyen Thi Dung, Nguyen Quang Ha, Mai Lan Phuong, Phung Tran My Hanh, Nguyen Tuan Dương


The study used the Probit model for the data collected from 399 households using agricultural land in three districts (Viet Yen, Lang Giang and Luc Ngan) in Bac Giang province, Viet Nam with SPSS 20 software. The results indicate that different regions have various levels of fragmentation. Analysis of factors affecting the market for land use rights shows that this market has not been developed. Presently, the household’s decisions to buy or rent more land are mainly for reasons other than economic efficiency, there is no basis to expect or forecast the trend of agricultural land accumulation toward improving efficiency. The fragmentation of agricultural land does not affect the decision to buy or lease more agricultural land. Households are motivated to accumulate agricultural land by transferring. This article offers policy suggestions to develop an agricultural land use rights market to reduce the fragmentation of agricultural land.


Keywords: fragmentation; agricultural land; agricultural land use rights market; development



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