Addition of Moringa Leaves to Feed to Improve Growth Performance and Feed Use of Striped Catfish (Pangasianodon Hypophthalmus)
The addition of natural plants to feed can be used as an effective way to improve fish growth performance, including the moringa plant, which all parts of the plant have nutritional and health values. The purpose of this study was to provide information on the effect of moringa leaf meal as a feed supplement on the growth performance and feed utilization efficiency of striped catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus). This research was conducted from June to September 2022 at the Marine Biotechnology Laboratory, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Riau University. The method used in this study was an experimental method by applying a completely randomized design (CRD). The treatments in this study were T0 (without the addition of moringa leaves), T1 (addition of moringa leaves at a dose of 5 g/kg feed), T2 (10 g/kg), and T3 (15 g/kg). The test fish used weighed 3.55 ± 0.5 g, with 240 randomly selected fish. Maintenance was carried out in an aquarium measuring 60 x 30 x 30 cm with a water volume of 60 L and a stocking density of 1 fish/3 L. Maintenance was carried out for 50 days, and the frequency of feeding was three times a day, at 08.00, 13.00, and 18.00 WIB with a dose of 5% of body weight. Parameters observed were absolute weight growth, specific growth rate, feed conversion rate (FCR), feed conversion, and water quality. The results showed that the addition of 15 g/kg (T3) of moringa leaves gave the best results on the growth rate and feed utilization efficiency. Therefore, moringa leaf meal can be added to catfish feed as an attractant to improve fish growth performance.
Keywords: aquaculture; attractant; catfish; drumstick
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