Contribution of Agronomic and Rust Disease Intensity Traits to Yield Stability of Peanut Genotypes
The stability peanut pod yield is influenced by agronomic traits because pod yield depends on agronomic traits. This study identified stable peanut genotypes and investigated the role of agronomic and rust disease intensity variables in supporting the yield stability of a genotype. The research was conducted in four locations in East Java, Indonesia. The design used was a randomized block design (RCBD) with three replications. The research results show that G2 had the highest stability, followed by G9 and G4. G2 was suitable for the E1 and E3 environments. Dry pod yield (DYLD) was supported by fresh pod yield (FYLD), harvesting index (HVI), and 100-seed weight (W100). DYLD was negatively correlated with rust disease score at 60 and 105 days after planting (RST60 and RST105). The genotypes tested had two large groups of similarities, where the first group consisted of only two lines, G1 and G7. These two genotypes are presented together in E3 and E4. The contribution and correlation of agronomic traits varied among environments. The similarity of the genotypes in each environment also varied. The similarity of the genotypes was formed by the magnitude of the influence of different agronomic traits in each environment through their contribution and correlation. G2 had a yield of 4.2 t/ha with an RST60 of 1.67 and an RST105 of 3.67. DYLD of genotype G2 was supported by FYLD, HVI, and W100. The check variety of G9 had a DYLD of 3.87 t/ha, and RST60 and RST105 were 2.25 and 5.33, respectively. Therefore, genotype G2 has the opportunity to be released as a new superior variety of rust-resistant peanuts.
Keywords: correlation; GGE biplot; peanut; rust disease; stability
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