Integration of Economic, Social, Environmental, and Public Health Aspects in Developing the Tourism Park Concept at the Pakusari Final Processing Site for Sustainable Tourism
The core principles of sustainable tourism are the preservation and enhancement of the natural, historical, or cultural assets of the area and the promotion of historical and culturally-related activities. Developing the tourism industry is a strategy that residential areas can use to diversify their economy sustainably. The growth of specialty tourism, which is entirely centered on the resources of the residential areas, contributes to the enhancement and diversification of the tourism offer in these places, including resident tourism, which is one of its subsets. Using the Tourist Park at the Pakusari Final Processing Site as an example, this study aims to highlight the significance of sustainable development for older residential areas by increasing tourism-related activities that will optimize the industry’s positive effects on the environment, society, and culture. The dialectical cognition method and a systematic approach serve as the foundation for this study. Empirical methods, such as observation, content analysis, visual field inspection, and expedition methods—are used in this research. This study led to the development of an approach to the idea of a “tourist park” and the identification of the primary attractions that bring visitors to this particular location. An analysis is conducted on worldwide patterns in the conversion of residential areas for tourism at final processing facilities. Systematizing information regarding final processing facilities allows for the diagnosis of their suitability for the tourism industry. The diagnosis supports the employment of different residential facilities in thematic tourism programs, as demonstrated by the actual outcomes of the tourism activities.
Keywords: tourism park concept; sustainable tourism; sustainable waste management
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