Collaborative Innovation in Pyrolysis and Biomass Stoves (Biopyro) as an Improvement in Household Waste Management

Leo Martin, Gatot Ciptadi, Fadillah Putra, Koderi


Innovation in the management of household garbage is becoming increasingly crucial in the fight against environmental degradation and adverse effects on public health. In this regard, an intriguing innovation is the creation of a biomass stove based on the pyrolysis technology. A biomass stove is a cooking appliance that runs on biomass fuel, such as rice husks or wood. In contrast, pyrolysis technology uses heat to break down organic materials in the absence of oxygen into gases, liquids, and char. Pyrolysis biomass burners (biopyro) combine these two approaches to manage domestic trash. You can use this stove to dispose of organic waste, such as leftover food or dry leaves. Organic waste is transformed into gas and biochar (biological charcoal) by pyrolysis. By using the gas generated, one can reduce their reliance on fossil fuels for cooking fuel. However, biochar can also be used as a high-nutrient organic fertilizer for plants. The primary benefit of this pyrolysis biomass stove is that it reduces the amount of organic waste dumped in landfills, which reduces its adverse environmental effects. Using locally produced biomass as fuel also contributes to a community’s increased energy independence and decreased carbon footprint. This innovation is intended to raise public awareness of the value of ecologically friendly and sustainable waste management techniques in daily life.


Keywords: innovation management; pyrolysis biomass; sustainable waste management




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