Technical Efficiency Potential of People’s Coffee with a Lane System and Grafting System (Special Connection) in Bengkulu Province, Indonesia
This study aims to determine which is more efficient between coffee cultivated in columns and technically grafted coffee. Indonesia is the largest coffee-producing country in the world after Brazil and Vietnam, with a land potential of more than 1.2 million hectares and an average productivity of less than 0.7 tons per hectare. Cross-sectional data were collected from 326 farmers, consisting of 206 lane coffee farmers and 120 grafting coffee farmers. As a coffee-producing region, Bengkulu contributes to the low productivity of Indonesian coffee. Based on SFA analysis, the research results revealed that 87 % of coffee farmers with a grafting system in the study area have a technical efficiency level above 90%, when compared to the lane system, which is only 62 %, this shows that coffee with a grafting system has proven to be technically more efficient. The low technical production has affected the efficiency of coffee farmers in Bengku Province. The government made various efforts to increase production, one of which is plant genetic engineering technology through grafting, better known to the local community as shoot grafting, which has produced coffee varieties that are superior both in growth and production and are recognized based on Geographical Indications (GI) of the region of origin.
Keywords: coffee; strips; grafting; technical efficiency
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