Diversity of the Ground Cover Crop Nephrolepis Biserrata in Oil Palm Plantations on Various Soil Types

Fadri T. Sibarani, Akhmad R. Saidy, Bambang J. Priatmadi, Bambang Fredrickus Langai, Sukarman, Septa Primananda, Rinjani A. Sinaga, Abdullah A. Kurniawan, Cindy Diah Ayu Fitriana, Suwardi


Ground cover crops play an important role in maintaining the ecological balance in oil palm plantations. Nephrolepis biserrata, as a cover crop species, has not been extensively studied, especially in relation to soil type and vegetation level. This study aimed to analyze the distribution and dominance of Nephrolepis biserrata in oil palm plantations on various soil and vegetation levels. This quantitative research was conducted in oil palm plantations in Central Kalimantan Province using a survey method with purposive sampling. Nine treatment combinations of three soil types (Histosols, Ultisols, and Spodosols) and three vegetation levels (low, medium, and high) were tested on 81 test plots. Data analysis includes diversity index (Ĥ), uniformity index (E), dominance index (C), importance value index (INP), and relative dominance (DR). The results of the research show that N. biserrata has good adaptability and dominance as a ground cover crop in the producing crop (TM) phase in oil palm plantations, especially on Spodosol-type soils. Nephrolepis exaltata and Nephrolepis biserrata showed the highest INP in Ultisols (76.65%; 7.64%), Spodosols (48.03%; 82.75%), and Histosols (61.34%; 23.98%). There are no cover crop species that dominate exclusively in all soil types (0.078-0.185). Ultisols have high cover crop diversity (3,107), whereas Spodosols (2,130) and Histosols (2,595) have medium diversity. Ageratum conyzoides (15.08%) and Paspalum dilatatum (10.06%) also had significant INP in all soil types. Different soil conditions influence the number of cover crop vegetation species and communities in oil palm plantations.


Keywords: Nephrolepis biserrata; ground cover crop; oil palm plantations; soil type




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