Building Planning Policy Innovation: Integrated Solutions for Transforming Slum Areas into Sustainable Settlements

Muhammad Reva Sastrodiningrat, Mohammad Bisri, Ahmad Imron Rozuli, Surjono


Slum areas pose a major challenge in sustainable urban development. To transform slum areas into habitable and environmentally sustainable settlements, it is imperative to implement effective building arrangements. This research proposes a policy model that can guide the arrangement of buildings in slum areas toward sustainable residential development. This policy model focuses on integrating social, economic, and environmental aspects to create comprehensive solutions. The research methods used include literature reviews, policy analysis, and case studies to identify the key factors that influence building planning in slum areas. The research results show that a participatory approach from various stakeholders, including local communities, regional governments, and the private sector, is key to designing and implementing successful building planning policies. In addition, this approach should be accompanied by efforts to strengthen the capacity of local communities, develop basic infrastructure, and provide better access to public services. The implication of this research is to provide practical guidance for policymakers, urban planners, and related practitioners to improve slum areas into socially, economically, and environmentally sustainable settlements. Implementing an appropriate policy model is hoped to lead to a positive and sustainable transformation of slum areas and improve the quality of life of their residents.


Keywords: slum areas; sustainable settlements; policy




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