Agribusiness Potential through Nearshoring in Mexico
The present study aims to analyze the potential of nearshoring to strengthen agribusiness in Mexico by evaluating its impact on economic, logistical, and environmental terms. A meta-analysis was conducted based on 32 studies published between 2020 and 2024, and selected using predefined criteria in scientific databases. The analysis included metrics for exports, job creation, logistics cost reduction, and carbon emissions. The data were analyzed using statistical methods that considered the heterogeneity between studies, obtaining an I² index of 67%. The results show that nearshoring has increased agri-food exports by 18%, generated approximately 150,000 direct jobs, and reduced logistics costs by 22%. Additionally, a 15% decrease in transport-related carbon emissions was observed, highlighting its contribution to environmental sustainability. These improvements are more evident in the northern and central regions of the country, which benefit from their geographic proximity and improved infrastructure. In conclusion, nearshoring is an effective strategy to position Mexico as an important player in regional supply chains, but so far, its benefits have not been homogeneous.
Keywords: nearshoring; Mexico; agribusiness; competitiveness; environmental sustainability
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