Agricultural Machinery Path Tracking Stability Control Method under Variable Speed Conditions

DUAN Xianqiang, TAO Jianfeng, QIN Chengjin, CAI Daoqing, LI Yanming, LIU Chengliang


In order to improve the stability and robustness of agricultural machinery path tracking control under different speed conditions, a path tracking control method based on chain system model and small-scale stability analysis optimization was proposed. Firstly, the nonlinear kinematics model of agricultural machinery was established according to geometric constraints, and it was converted into linear chain system based on chain system model. The error items of the system were linearly combined to obtain the agricultural machine path tracking control method. Then, based on the stability analysis of the control method in the small range of the equilibrium position, the control method was optimized, and the stability of the agricultural machinery path tracking control in the small range of the equilibrium position was independent of the driving speed. The simulation verification control method can maintain stability at different speeds. Finally, the linear tracking contrast experiment and the agricultural machinery operation experiment were carried out with the rice transplanter as experimental platform. The results showed that compared with the PID control method, the proposed control method can maintain the stability of linear tracking control at three different speeds, and it had higher control precision. At the same time, the stability of the proposed path tracking control method was independent of the driving speed. When the driving speed of agricultural machinery was changed within the range of 0.4~2.0m/s, the proposed method can be kept stable, the average absolute error was 0.047m, and the maximum absolute error was 0.128m, which was suitable for complex agricultural machinery working environment.

Keywords: agricultural machinery, tracking control, variable speed, chained form, stability


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